By now, we’re all pretty familiar with the nutritional benefits of incorporating mushrooms into our diets, but did you know that the incentive for older adults to consume this food is even higher? Apparently, seniors who eat about half a ...

Some nutrients you already know should be on your radar. These are the fairly obvious ones like fiber and protein. Between endless cereal commercials, an entire dedicated section at the grocery store, and registered dietitians constantly espousing their benefits, you’re ...

Managing your mental health is one of the most important things to do for yourself, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Life has a never-ending set of curveballs — plus, if you have any kind of mood disorder, everything ...

You’ve probably heard that physical activity is also good for your mind, but it may surprise you to know how and what type of exercise you need to see benefits.  A new study has found that physical activity helps your ...

By now, you have likely at least heard about the burgeoning research linking food to mental health. But did you know that certain foods can actually help ease symptoms of depression?  Recent studies show that the Mediterranean diet may be ...

What if I told you that there is one simple routine you can integrate into your day to day that would not only help you stay on track to meet your goals, but would also help you feel really good about yourself ...

Some clinicians are now actively prescribing nature as a form of therapy. Proponents of ecotherapy claim it offers an impressive array of proven benefits from pain reduction to stress relief. Indigenous cultures have been using forms of ecotherapy for centuries, ...

Burnout is no joke. Sometimes the stressors of daily life are genuinely too much to handle. That’s where mental health days come in. Just like when your body is fatigued, you need to give your brain time to rest and ...

According to psychiatrist Smantha Boardman, it pays off to be a “well-meaning phony.” To be clear, she isn’t talking about being inauthentic, or a NARP (not a real person). Instead, she believes her patients should abandon the idea that there ...

The small routines that we cultivate for ourselves first thing in the morning can actually have a massive impact on our overall well being. And if you’re like many Americans, slurping down a coffee as you run out the door, ...