Budgeting is one of those all-important things you’re much better off not skipping — sort of like breakfast and good walking shoes. Sure, you can live without those things, but you’re going to have a bad time. At least, investing ...
When you’re stuck just trying to make ends meet, saving money becomes even more difficult than it usually is. And it’s even worse when you have others depending on your income. But you don’t want to be caught in an ...
If you’ve decided it’s time to track your spending and get that budget tighter than ever, I can only commend you. But admitting the need for a tracking method is only the first step — now there’s all kinds of ...
For many kids, there’s nothing like buying fresh school supplies and clothes for the new school year. However, the allure of metallic crayons and puppy-covered folders often spells dread for parents because, honestly, where is all this money coming from? ...
Going back to school doesn’t have to be so expensive. For kids (and parents), the beginning of the school year can feel like a time for reinvention—it’s the time to start fresh, to challenge ourselves and our kids to improve, ...
Budgeting is a great tool to map out monthly income and allocate funds in a way that sustains comfortable and, ideally, happy lives. The tricky thing about budgets, however, is that they vary so much from one person to the ...
If you have little or no savings, that makes it hard to handle emergencies — and I don’t need to tell you that life is full of curveballs. When life gives you lemons, it’s a little hard to make lemonade ...
If you’re sick of struggling financially or your financial life needs improvement, imagine a life where things are easier. Your paycheck is deposited directly to your bank account every two weeks; some of your money goes into retirement; some of ...
I don’t need to tell you about the heatwave that’s sweeping the nation — by now, you’ve probably felt it. And regardless of crazy weather, summer is always hard on the wallet. For many of us, electric bills skyrocket in ...
Budgeting is, for a lot of people, too much effort to be worth the trouble. You know you should budget; you know you really need to budget — but the actual act of budgeting is so exhausting that you keep ...