How the brain benefits of eating mushrooms only increase with age

How the brain benefits of eating mushrooms only increase with age

By now, we’re all pretty familiar with the nutritional benefits of incorporating mushrooms into our diets, but did you know that the incentive for older adults to consume this food is even higher?

Apparently, seniors who eat about half a plate of mushrooms each week can significantly reduce their risk for cognitive decline. That’s thanks to a special compound within most varieties of the fungus — ergothioneine. 

“ET (ergothioneine) is a unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which humans are unable to synthesize on their own,” said research fellow Dr. Irwin Cheah. “But it can be obtained from dietary sources, one of the main ones being mushrooms.”

Which mushrooms are the best to eat in order to experience the brain boosting benefits in later life?

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