Tristan Stavee was shot and killed while responding to a Craigslist car ad. Stavee’s grandfather, George Stump Sr., who accompanied Stavee, was also shot and is in critical condition. Stavee’s mother, Leeann Stump, said the ad was a set-up. She alleges that the pair were ambushed, robbed, and beaten before being shot.
Last week, the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office reported two arrests in the case. Mark Anthony Nelson and Tamika Shatavia Ford were arrested days apart this month on charges of murder, attempted murder, and robbery.
Wall Street Confessions from an Ex-Floor Trader Turned MultimillionaireEven as 22 million Americans lost their jobs… 97,000 small businesses closed for good… and riots spread through every major American city…
You see, one former floor trader made himself a millionaire by beating Wall Street at its own game.
He discovered an obscure 18-digit “code” that let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades. The kinds of trades that almost certainly had the benefit of inside information. (clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free e-letter – privacy policy)
This morning the Dow Jones Industrial Average was set for a 95-point gain, futures indicated. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 were also poised to climb, with futures reflecting a .3% increase for both averages.
The market optimism follows apparent fiscal stimulus progress.
“I’m optimistic that we’re gonna be able to complete an understanding sometime soon,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday evening.
His comments followed a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was also a part of discussions, as he attended by phone.
It remains unclear what “soon” actually means for the lawmakers, as the pandemic continues to cause a minimum of 2,300 deaths each day, and a minimum of 215,400 new cases.
Exercising regularly not only helps keep you get fit, but it can help improve your range of motion as well. There are nine exercises in particular that can help you limber up and improve your mobility.
One of those exercises is a simple wrist stretch that can improve the range of motion in your wrist and strengthen it too. This is especially helpful if you work and type a lot on a computer. The wrist stretch can be performed on an exercise mat by putting your hands palm down and slowly stretching forward while putting more of your body weight against your wrists until you feel the stretch in your forearms.
Another option is the four-point shoulder exercise. To perform this, make fists and extend your arms in front of your body and then move your shoulders in a circular motion without moving your arms. This exercise can help relieve stress and even improve your mood, all while increasing your range of motion. What other exercises can improve your mobility?
Now that most of our shopping is done online, it can be a little challenging to have holiday gifts shipped without spoiling the surprise. Thankfully, there are a few tricks you can use to make sure it doesn’t happen.
For example, if you’re ordering from Amazon, you can check the “this is a gift” box when finalizing your purchase. This will add a to/from tag on the box and include a gift receipt. That way, the recipient will know it’s a holiday gift, and they hopefully refrain from opening it too early.
You can also use the additional address line to write your message, alerting the recipient that the delivery is a gift. This is a good option to use for nearly any online retailer that doesn’t have a gift option at checkout.
No one wants to spoil a good-intentioned gift during the holidays, especially with how this year has gone. So be sure to make a real effort to keep the surprise gift-giving tradition going.
2020 has been a year full of surprises. But it’s also been a year that reminds us of our own mortality. And that can be scary.
But the only thing worse than confronting your own mortality while you’re still alive and can do something about it is waking up one morning to realize that the love of your life has passed away in their sleep and you don’t even know where to start!
Don’t be guilty of just thinking or talking about estate planning. You’ve got to actually do it.
“You think you have forever to do all that, but you don’t,” says Brooks, 49, of Bellingham, Mass.
And what’s worse – it can really crush the finances of the family members left behind to figure it all out.
“People often underestimate how much it will cost if they don’t plan,” says Renee Fry, founder of Gentreo, an online estate-planning company.
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