After a pastor’s murder, his wife and alleged accomplice are arrested

After a pastor’s murder, his wife and alleged accomplice are arrested
Brief Updates


After a pastor’s murder, his wife and alleged accomplice are arrested

After a pastor's murder, his wife and alleged accomplice are arrested
Image Source: NBC News

Last week, two people were arrested in the murder of an Oklahoma pastor, including his wife, who allegedly confessed her role in the killing. Kristie Evans and Kahlil Square face charges of first-degree murder in the March 22 killing. The arrest affidavit alleges that Square and Kristie Evans planned the murder of Pastor David Evans while he was away on a missionary trip to Mexico. 

The documents allege that the married couple and Square had a complicated relationship. Kristie and Square continued to have a relationship without David’s knowledge. Kristie confided in Square that her husband was verbally abusive and disrespectful towards her. 

Square allegedly entered the Evans’s home on the night of March 22 and shot David while he was in bed. Kristie Evans initially told authorities that she was awakened by a popping noise and found her husband had been shot. However, new information is coming out that suggests that Kristie “begged” Square to kill her husband and even provided him with the tools to fulfill the plan. 

It’s unclear if Kristie Evans or Kahlil Square have lawyers. They were being held at Pontotoc County jail.

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If you’re looking for the trends that could make you a millionaire next year, I’ve got the perfect place to start: Electric vehicles.

They were already scorching hot in 2021 – look what happened in just one month of action:

  • British EV bus maker CIIC climbed 119%
  • Three-wheel EV pioneer SOLO soared 159%
  • And EV charging-station operator BLNK surged 211%.

Not bad for one November!

But these results are nothing compared to what’s on the horizon…

I’m already looking ahead towards the next generation of EV stocks – 11 companies that could soon launch into the stratosphere…


What if you knew how high a stock would soar this week with 90.3% accuracy? Josh found a way, and he’s sharing it in a first-ever demo of how it works  

We all have stock hotlists and watchlists. But how can you tell which ones will make you the greatest gains in the shortest window of time? Well, Josh Martinez wondered the same thing, and then he pulled out a secret he knew from his forex trading days and tested it out in the stock market. And it turns out it worked like magic – with an insane 90.3% accuracy.

Even better, it typically plays out in just a seven day time frame. It’s powered by a marriage of Big Tech data and AI, and he’s pulling back the curtains for the very first time to show his fans how it works and how he’s turning that work into predictable payouts. In this video, he’s showing you just one of the picks that made it from his watchlist to his hotlist, and if you register today, you can learn the other four he’s targeted using this ingenious high tech platform that works time after time. 

Don’t miss this opportunity – it’s happening Wednesday, March 31st and if you miss this train, believe me, it’s leaving without you!

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Detox your body with these 11 foods

Detox your body with these 11 foods
Image Source: Eat This, Not That

Detoxing your body can be difficult, but the end results are worth it. So if you’re looking for a total body cleanse, there are 11 different foods that can help you do this naturally. 

Ginger is a great way to jumpstart the detox process. The active ingredient in ginger is gingerol and it helps improve the function of your digestive tract. Ginger also contains a high number of antioxidants that can improve your kidney function. Digestive system and kidney health are both important keys to a successful detox. 

Surprisingly, dandelion greens are also great for detoxing. They are a natural diuretic that help flush toxins out of your system, and they reduce inflammation and help protect your liver. What other foods can help you detox your body? 

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When can you expect child tax credits to start rolling in?

As outlined in the massive $1.9 trillion stimulus deal that was signed weeks ago, the child tax credit has increased from the $2,000 that parents could claim for each dependent to up to $3,600. 

According to the IRS, the child tax credit will be paid out periodically between July and December. The rates in which you get paid per dependent will depend on the actual ages of your children. 

If you already did your taxes for this year, no worries. This is the optimal situation so payments will be automatic. For those that haven’t filed yet, you have until May 17th — the newest tax deadline. 

What else should you know about the child tax credit?

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Today is Mary Wollstonecraft’s 224th wedding anniversary

Today is Mary Wollstonecraft’s 224th wedding anniversary
Image Source: Wikipedia

On this day in 1797, Mary Wolstonecraft—feminist, author, philosopher, general Cain-raiser—married the father of modern anarchism, William Godwin. 

You may be asking yourself why you should care about this particular wedding anniversary instead of the woman herself. The answer is that this union resulted in the birth of science fiction, and also Mary Shelley.

Mary Shelley is the author of Frankenstein, or: The Modern Prometheus, which is thought of by many as the first science fiction novel. Read more about Mary Wollstonecraft to see where Mary Shelley got her mischievous streak (and her writing talent).

More Learning From The Past

March 28-29, 845: the Siege of Paris by Vikings invading the Frankish Empire

On this day in 1974, Chinese farmers discovered the Terracotta Army

Stay Informed, 


Rex Jackson

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Rex Jackson
Writer & Editor of Brief Updates