Why were guests at Obama’s 60th birthday party forced to delete photos from social media?

Why were guests at Obama's 60th birthday party forced to delete photos from social media?

Former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash in Martha’s Vineyard made headlines this past weekend for all the wrong reasons. What was initially announced as a scaled down event due to a rise in virus cases, turned out to be a packed party with A-list celebrities in attendance. 

Some of the celebrities at the event included rapper Trap Beckham, Erykah Badu, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Bradley Cooper, Steven Spielberg, Don Cheadle, Bruce Springsteen, Steven Colbert, and Tom and Rita Hanks. Obama was reportedly seen dancing and singing the entire night, as excited party goers surrounded him. 

But some attendees were left with a bad taste in their mouth after they were reportedly forced to remove photos they took at the event and posted to social media. Beckham and Badu in particular had posted photos and videos of the event’s decor, dance floor, and themselves at the party, all of which were abruptly deleted. 

In addition to forcing celebrities to delete their photo and video evidence of the party, the big birthday bash also ignited a political firestorm. So why was all of the public footage of the event eradicated and why are conservatives so upset about the party?

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