Toking up could be a thing of the past for New Yorkers who can now sip their marijuana rather than smoke it.
A new “beverage enhancer” from cannabis mega-corp Curaleaf offers users a dainty, five milligram liquid dose of THC for just $35 per plastic bottle.
There are 30 servings of “Select Squeeze” per bottle, offering a “more social, less anxious high” than other marijuana products, said Jessie Kater, senior vice president for innovation and R&D at Curaleaf.

Because the THC is formulated so absorption begins in the user’s mouth, users can feel its effects in about 15 minutes, the company says.
So far only Curaleaf’s watermelon flavor is for sale in New York, where only card-carrying medical marijuana patients can legally purchase it. Three other flavors — lemon-lime, hint of sweet, and strawberry lemonade — are on offer in recreational markets in other states.
The New York board that will regulate medical marijuana — including by licensing recreational sellers — still has four vacancies.

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