Love for unicorns finally catches up to suspects in crime spree, Colorado police say

Love for unicorns finally catches up to suspects in crime spree, Colorado police say

Between September and February, 46 locations in Boulder County were hit with crimes ranging from motor vehicle thefts to porch piracy, all adding up to about $115,000 in damages. But it looks like it’s all over now, as the suspects’ love for unicorns led police straight to them.

“The investigation was dubbed ‘Operation Unicorn’ because of the [group’s] affection for unicorns (drawings, figurines, etc.), which were found throughout the investigation and helped tie the crimes together,” the sheriff’s office said.

I’m not sure why anyone would use something as obvious as a unicorn for a calling card, given that police say the unicorns weren’t intended to be found.Nonetheless, the pure unicorns’ magic has finally led to justice.

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