A man was found beaten, locked in a dog cage by three men

A man was found beaten, locked in a dog cage by three men

Days ago, Beckley Police in West Virginia responded to a call about a man being held against his will. 

What they found was much more disturbing.

A witness came forward with video evidence of three men taunting and threatening to kill the victim if he did not provide them with a large sum of money. Additionally, the witness says to have seen the man locked in the dog cage against his will. 

The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment where he told officers he had been beaten with a shovel.

What led to this brutal scenario?

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Perfect Stock Caught Trading Under Secret Name

This is just bizarre…

We have just uncovered perhaps the most unusual stock we’ve ever seen.

It’s expected to see massive revenue in 2020 – $100 billion.

The company holds over 29,000 patents in the U.S.

It pays an enormous dividend.

And yet…

It’s ultra-cheap – less than $3.


Republicans plan to send Biden nearly $1 trillion infrastructure counteroffer this week

A group of Senate Republicans plan to send the Biden administration an infrastructure counteroffer as soon as Thursday.

The proposal could cost nearly $1 trillion, and Republicans aim to offset the spending without increasing taxes on corporations as originally proposed.

Hopes for an agreement between the parties to revamp U.S. transportation and broadband appeared to dim last week. After the White House cut its infrastructure offer to $1.7 trillion from $2.3 trillion, an aide to Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, said the plan’s price tag was “well above the range of what can pass Congress with bipartisan support.”

Democrats will have to decide whether they want to chop up their plan enough to win Republican votes, or try to forge ahead on their own using special budget rules.

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The best budgeting method for your personality type

A close-up of someone’s handwritten budget.
Image Source: The Motley Fool

Have you ever tried out a new budget, only to learn that it doesn’t work for you? You’re not alone. The reason why it didn’t work out may be because the budgeting method didn’t fit your personality type.

Using the Keirsan Temperament Sorter may help. In this system, there are four overarching personality types plus a range of characteristics. Here’s how to use it in your next budgeting session.

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Simple ways to be more productive every day

Ever feel like your to-do lists are getting longer and longer, but you’re less and less motivated? Between balancing your job, home life, and personal relationships, it can often seem like there must be a better way to be more productive. This seems especially true over the last year, with so many of us working from home and dealing with new distractions. 

The good news? There are ways to be more productive. From building a better routine in the morning to simple strategies for managing your email, these productivity tips will help you work more efficiently and, best of all, leave you with more free moments every day.

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It’s John Wayne’s birthday! But what was the famous actor’s real name?

A photo of John Wayne
Image Source: NY Post / Everest Collection

On May 26, 1907, one of the most famous actors of all time, John Wayne, was born. 

Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, but his family quickly relocated to Glendale, California by the time he was six years old. He had dreams of attending the US Naval Academy, but after he was turned down for admission, he went on to play football for the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. 

But Wayne wasn’t destined for sports, either, as his career path took an abrupt turn in college. Ironically, his football coach found Wayne a job as an assistant prop man on a John Ford movie set. The rest of course is history, as Wayne quickly moved from prop man to actor and eventually became one of the most iconic actors of all time who is best known for the roles he has played in Western themed shows and movies. 

And while John Wayne is a household name now, the actor wasn’t born with that name. So, what was Wayne’s real name at birth? 

More From This Day In History

This famous album debuted earlier than expected in the UK on this date

Ford stopped making this iconic vehicle on May 26 to bring an end to an era

Stay Informed, 


Rex Jackson

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Rex Jackson
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