A bear takes a bite out of an Alaskan woman on her visit to the outhouse

A bear takes a bite out of an Alaskan woman on her visit to the outhouse

Brief Updates


A bear takes a bite out of an Alaskan woman on her visit to the outhouse

Image Source: Fox News

An Alaskan woman was camping out with her brother over the weekend had an unforgettable encounter with a bear. Shannon Stevens recounts her eventful trip to the outhouse. “I got in there and sat down on the toilet seat, and something just immediately bit me in the butt. I jumped up and screamed.”

The commotion got the attention of her brother, Erik Stevens, who came running to her aid. “I take the headlamp, and I grab the lid of the toilet seat, and I lift it up,” Erik shared. “Right at the level of the toilet seat, maybe an inch or two below is a gigantic bear face looking right back up at me.”

The duo ran back to shelter, cleaned up Shannon’s injuries, which were not severe, and hunkered down for the night. The following morning, they found tracks leading from their campfire to the outhouse. The bear was nowhere to be found.

Shannon will be the first to tell you that you sometimes need to watch your butt in the wilderness.


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If you’re looking for the trends that could make you a millionaire next year, I’ve got the perfect place to start: Electric vehicles.
They were already scorching hot in 2021 – look what happened in just one month of action:

  • British EV bus maker CIIC climbed 119%
  • Three-wheel EV pioneer SOLO soared 159%
  • And EV charging-station operator BLNK surged 211%.

Not bad for one November!
But these results are nothing compared to what’s on the horizon…
I’m already looking ahead towards the next generation of EV stocks – 11 companies that could soon launch into the stratosphere…


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen once again spoke to the benefit of passing the $1.9 trillion stimulus relief package yesterday, and stock futures this morning were on the up and up.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed about 55 points, while the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 futures rose 0.2% and 0.3%, respectively.

“We think it’s very important to have a big package [that] addresses the pain this has caused – 15 million Americans behind on their rent, 24 million adults and 12 million children who don’t have enough to eat, small businesses failing,” Yellen said. “I think the price of doing too little is much higher than the price of doing something big. We think that the benefits will far outweigh the costs in the longer run.”

What does Yellen have to say about inflation, and what else should you know about the market this morning?


Short bursts of exercise can actually keep you healthy

Image Source: Healthline

As it turns out, you may not have to commit to a grueling, hour-long workout to drastically improve your health.

Recent research suggests that multiple short bursts of exercise are incredibly effective at improving your overall health. It’s even proven that short bursts of high-intensity workouts can increase your lifespan slightly, help you get more fit, and improve your quality of life.

Participating in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to get the short burst of exercise your body needs regularly. You can incorporate 15-minute HIIT sessions into your daily routine that focus on lunges, push-ups, high knees, and more. What are some other ways to incorporate HIIT sessions into your day? 


The pandemic has forced many of us to slow down and reexamine our lives. With so many aspects of our regular lives disrupted, we’ve been given a chance to slow down and focus on the more critical parts of our lives.

That’s why every family should create a mission statement for when things finally go back to normal. A family mission statement is simply a collective statement that focuses on what’s essential to your family’s health, well-being, and happiness. It sets the guidelines for what’s important to everyone in your family. It prioritizes things that help your family grow, become closer to one another, and enjoy life a bit more.

Family mission statements don’t have to be eloquent or elaborate. Just have a brainstorming session and figure out what’s important to everyone. There will be plenty of overlap, but also a few unique perspectives from everyone.

Once you have a family mission statement, post it somewhere everyone can see it to remind your family of what to strive for every day!


Typhoid Mary was set free from quarantine and once again became a super spreader

Image Source: Chautauqua Greenville

On this day in history, I’m sure that “Typhoid Mary” was celebrating her newfound freedom. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t going to last very long. Unfortunately for everyone else, she was right back to being a super spreader.

Which is why “Typhoid Mary” was labeled the most harmless and yet the most dangerous woman in America.

Now, before you’re too hard on her with hindsight being 20/20, it’s important to remember that not once did Mary show a single symptom – she never got sick.

But she was a deadly carrier, all the same. And this led her to a lot of confusion and frustration. “I never had typhoid in my life, and have always been healthy. Why should I be banished like a leper and compelled to live in solitary confinement with only a dog for a companion?”

Here’s the story of how she was released from quarantine the first time and all of the terrible things that followed.

Stay Informed,


Rex Jackson

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Rex Jackson
Writer & Editor of Brief Updates